
22. 02. 2023

A big thank you to Christine! Care for Veterans

A big thank you to Christine Gillot for giving me a tour of Care for Veterans (Head of Fundraising & Marketing) this morning 🙏🏻 it was lovely catching up!
22. 02. 2023

Spot a toxic workplace

When it comes to the job hunt, it’s important to be able to spot a toxic workplace before committing to it.
22. 02. 2023

Interview tips

The interview is one of the most important steps in the recruitment process, and the key to success is preparation. To make sure you ace your next interview, here are a few tips to help you get ready.
15. 02. 2023

Accounting jobs are a popular career choice

Accounting jobs are a popular career choice, especially amongst recent graduates.
16. 11. 2022

Salaries can't keep pace

Over the past five years, the average wage in the UK has increased by around 10%, according to data from the Office for National Statistics. While this may seem like a significant increase, it is important to consider the rising cost of living in the UK over the same period.
04. 11. 2022

Unbelievable Jeff! Best of British - The Crowne Plaza Felbridge...

A huge thank you to Best of British Events for hosting another amazing afternoon of fundraising and networking at the Crowne Plaza Felbridge - Gatwick!  This time around we were joined by the one and only, broadcasting legend Jeff Stelling, who shared some great stories and anecdotes from his career in presenting, including his time as the face of Gillette Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports.